
  • Discuss insulation and natural insulating materials/behaviours (feathers, fur, fat/blubber, huddling, homes, etc.). In pairs students receive a water bottle. Fill with warm water, measure temperature and insulate the bottle (wrap in paper, newspaper, cloth, etc.). Each student pair places their bottle outside in a chosen shelter, and records the temperature of the shelter and water inside bottle. Wrap-up: best insulating materials.

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  • Discuss insulation and natural insulating materials/behaviours (feathers, fur, fat/blubber, huddling, homes, etc.). In pairs students receive a water bottle (representing a chick). Fill with warm water, measure temperature and insulate the bottle (wrap in paper, newspaper, cloth, etc.). Each student pair places their “chick” outside in a chosen spot or “chick home”, and records the temperature of the home/chick’s body (water inside bottle). Wrap-up: best insulating materials. Pre-experiment idea: Get crafty and have the groups to make their water bottles look like chicks (ie: feathers, googly eyes, etc.) before conducting the experiment.

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  • Discuss seasons and senses. Worksheet optional – Explain worksheet symbols. Students find and draw signs and circle the sense they used. Wrap-up: location of signs, sense most used, predict summer signs.      

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  • Discuss seasons and senses. Explain worksheet symbols. Students find and draw signs and circle the sense they used. Wrap-up: location of signs, sense most used, predict spring signs.

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  • Discuss signs of the seasons. Focus on fall. Outside students search for and check off the signs of fall. Wrap-up: share findings, winter predictions, etc.

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